
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Dear Blogger,
So I successfully, well kinda launched my youtube channel, where I'm making some headway, but I have a lot of room to grow. It's tough for me especially, because I'm not like some of the bigger Youtubers, I can't act, I can't sing, I'm not cute, I don't have an English accent, I don't have boobs or abs of steel, I don't curse, I'm nervous and I mumble a lot, and I don't eat a gratuitous amounts of bacon, but I do like bacon, so don't go unsubscribing because you don't think I don't like bacon, but what I am trying to do is to find more people to collaborate with and get more ideas out there to fully get my show to the masses or find some niche that I can at least have all to myself, or my lonesome. Forever alone? Me, oh I'm never alone, I have friends with me, especially the voices in my head, they make me do the most wonderful things, don't worry your dog is safe, can't say the same about your cat...but anyways I digress from my purpose of this blog, it's merely to vent and hope that somehow this will help me to persevere. Hmm the problem really with perseverance, or persevering means you have to have perseverance in order to persevere, if you don't have perseverance how can one persevere? That's probably pretty obvious, but then again everyone has perseverance, some just have perseverance to remain as procrastinators. That's me, I procrastinate so often, even though I'm trying to change it, I'm so bad I procrastinate at overcoming my procrastination, maybe this will be the ultimate change, or maybe I'm just procrastinating right now, idk, I'm easily distracted, with the flashy lights and the youtube subscriptions that I could easily watch instead of sharing my own videos. And if I share my own videos apparently that makes me desperate, which makes me more unnattractive, which means I have a big ego, which means I'm an orange, an annoying orange, which means that I will be successful on Youtube after all, YAY!! Oh well, maybe I'll find an audience and love and support, or maybe I'll just crash and burn and die a fiery death on youtube, lol I'm being very optimistic I think, it could be worse. Maybe I'll get lucky and write another Friday song which will get me all stupid famous, who knows. Well nevermind, wish you all the best and love you samach, J. Blue out.

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